Your Data Belongs To You
As the data creator, you decide what happens to the data. A detailed role and rights concept as well as finely tuned release processes ensure that your know-how is protected.

Independent Platform, Many Years of Experience

Your Data Sovereignty is Preserved
The system has now also been further developed for Industry 4.0 under the name iiotecos. This includes interfaces for data import and exchange, tools for evaluation and visualization as well as the processing of production data (machine and sensor data), etc. In particular, the very finely tuned and certified roles and rights concept helps to collaborate where it is important and to protect know-how where it is required. This means that you release data to your business partners selectively and with fine granularity.
For economic reasons, usually only a small amount of the original machine data is sent to the data room. The bulk of the data remains exclusively in your company’s own cloud area.

Our Principles of Know-how Protection
Data is shared or released among the players at their own discretion and used individually for evaluations. All parties gain previously hidden insights into their own value network but retain sovereignty over their own data and know-how.
The CuttingEdge IIoT Hub acts as a data trustee and has no vested interest in your data.
Detailed role and rights concept for companies and persons as well as a finely tuned release concept for production data.
Cross-company collaboration via selective data sharing. Partners receive data for viewing, only in special cases also for downloading.
Our Clients